Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To Detox or Not to Detox?

So, I am convinced we become addicted to certain foods. Take sugar for example, I will CRAVE sugary foods, desserts, candy etc. especially if I have overindulged several days in a row. The more i eat, the stronger the crave is. Almost the same thing with fatty snacks- if I see someone else eating them I immediately want some and I can't stop thinking about it. What is that!? What is in those foods that makes me feel that way?

Now most of you know I am brutally against all fad diets. They are gimmicks to draw you into spending money on that certain product or that certain book that promises to tell you the secret to weight loss or healthy eating. Baloney. Anything that excludes entire food groups is a BAD idea. But, I ran into the idea of a detox diet the other day and it intrigued me. Not the extreme detox where all you drink is liquids for a week, I am talking about a detox diet that excludes all processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. To eat each food in its truest form for a few days and see how you feel. Doesn't sound that bad to me. 

As a disclaimer- I am not endorsing any detox diet. They are not backed up scientifically. No one really knows what these so called "toxins" are that you are "detoxifying" from your body. In fact, that specifically is what your liver and kidneys are for! They filter your blood and take out the stuff your body doesn't need and you excrete it. But, the idea of removing these foods that have such a hold on me for a while sounds nice. Experts say that if you abstain from a habit for 21 days, you will break it. So, I created my own 21 day "detox" diet.

I used this site called Whole Living as my basis for the diet. They suggest a diet that is a little more extreme than I feel is healthy. In their 21 day diet you are supposed to abstain from processed food or beverages, added sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol. Week 1 states you eat fruits, vegetables, and plant-based fats, including nuts, seeds, and oils only. In Week 2 you add back in seafood, beans and lentils, and organic soy and then in week 3 you add back in gluten-free grains and eggs. Like I said, extreme. I don't want this diet to be a punishment! Nor do I want it to be lacking in nutrients I need- like say protein? I still want to have muscles by the end of this stent. sheesh. I just want to break my weird obsession hold on fatty, bad for you foods.

SO- my version of a 21 day detox diet goes something like this... No processed foods, no added sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no bread. Everything else is a go! The no bread rule is mainly because I have gotten a little crazy at work with the rolls and crackers during the day. There just aren't very many options for a health concious vegetarian in the cafeteria. No bread means, basically no bread. I can still have gluten, I can still have oatmeal, tabouleh salad, quinoa etc. And its only for 21 days! come on!

So?? What do you all think?? Is this ridiculous? I am going to lean a little bit more on my dietitian friends for this question. I made a mango and berry smoothis today for breakfast with almond milk. I think i'm going to add some basic protein powder to it tomorrow. I also had green tea in place of coffee.
For my mid morning snack I had almonds and dried apricots.
For lunch I had pinto beans, salad with balsamic vinagrette and green tea
I have a yogurt for later =)

I'll let you know how this goes... so far so good except for the GI discomfort from so much fiber. yikes!


  1. Haha oh man! Sounds super intense. Is hubby going to participate with you? Does green tea not have caffeine? I thought it did... I could never do this.

    1. Green Tea has a small amount of caffeine, unless you get the decaffinated kind, but its much MUCH less than coffee (15-25 mg vs 80-100 mg in coffee). Once I finish with the green tea I have at the house, maybe i'll buy the decaffinated kind.
