Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sick Computer

So, I totally tried to sit down yesterday after work and post these new pictures of Kane. But when I turned the lap top on it freaked out on me and started flashing all these warnings at me! Everything short of "your computer is going to blow up in 5... 4... 3..."
And then, (cue the scary movie music here)

the dreaded blue screen.

Yes, it happened. I have a virus. I thought I was invincible! I thought: "Nay, I don't need to update my virus software! I'm a careful internet surfer!" I think's its been like 5 years since I updated my virus software. Seriously. And then, things like pinterest came a long and took me to places on the internet I didn't even know exsisted with little blinky ads that I may have accidentally pushed on my way out of there. Sigh. So, needless to say, after 5 hours of a combo of freaking out/installing antivirus/crying a little/trying to undo the virus damage, I am now $40 poorer but fully protected (for 1 year) from trojans, virus, malware and whatever other gobble-dy gook there is out there that wants to hurt my poor lap top. The computer is only about 75% back to normal, but it works and I am now free to post more lovely pictures of Kane and our trip to Florida this past weekend. So stay tuned!!


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