Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week #3 of 52...

Drum-roll please!! Its the moment you've all been waiting for!!! (And by you all i mean me and maybe the 1 other person who reads my blog) My big reveal of the project that took me two weeks to complete...
Drop cloth stenciled curtains!
I loooove how they turned out! I came across the idea on (of course) pinterest and decided our dining room totally needed a cheap set of curtains. So, Hubby and I made another trip to The Depot and found a drop cloth on the cheap. I took it home, split it and ran it under the sewing machine to hem it and create a sleeve for the rod. Next was the time consuming part- I used a sponge, black paint and a stencil to create that perfect pattern you see going on up there. Yay curtains!

On a side note, I love how pinterest is taking over the blog world. I think every blog i follow has succumbed to the awesomeness of pinterest. It may seem like I have a love affair going on with this amazing website but I really am just pumped that there is some sort of creative outlet for people get inspired by. The world need more art!

On that, I am going to finish watching the UK Wildcats put those GA Dawgs in their place. GO CATS!
-over and out-
Melissa =)

Addendum: As requested i have included a close up of one of the curtains to see the detail =)


  1. I want to see a close up picture! I can't really see the pattern from this far away. Please and thanks!

  2. wow, that is some stenciling! I made some curtains from drop cloths too (by the way you can get canvas drop cloths at big lots for $8)but i just stitched ribbon onto them. These are much more involved and cool looking.
