Thursday, December 1, 2011

Say Goodbye to the 3rd Thumb

Well, tomorrow is the day! Surgery day for Hubby. He has a ganglion cyst on the underside of his right wrist that has gotten HUGE. He joked the other day in small group that it looked like a 3rd thumb; funny and gross all at the same time. Sorry for the mental picture, it's really not that big! It doesn't hurt him much but it does restrict his wrist movement a little and if he does too much activity (mostly exercising, lifting weights, etc) it will start to ache. So, off it comes! 

For your educational purposes, here is a diagram of a ganglion cyst. Hubby's is on the underside of his wrist though.
Usually cysts aren't a big deal but because of where this one is on his wrist, they are going to have to surgically remove it to avoid risking a slashed artery or something terrible. He's going to have to wear a splint on his wrist for a while, but other than that he should be back to normal in no time!

I think I am more nervous for him than he is! It reminds me of when I had my foot surgeries. I know this isn't nearly as bad as those but I still get nervous thinking about it! If everyone doesn't mind saying  a little prayer for him, that would be awesome! We'll keep you posted on the recovery process. Hope you all have a GREAT weekend! =)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! i didnt know this - I am sure it will go super smoothly! Tell him I say good luck. Love.
