Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Wow. I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted!! I'm such a slacker! A lot has happened so i am going to apologize in advance for the long post, I promise I'll break it up in the future!

We had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday and I hope you all did too! We have so much to be thankful for! Hubby rolled his eyes everytime I pulled out my camera this week and yelled, "time to document for the blog!!" That being said, I have a plethera of pictures to post! We drove up to my hometown, Lexington, Kentucky last wednesday to stay with my parents for the holiday. I thought we were going to have a relaxing, do nothing, read-my-book, catch-up-on-all-that-missing-sleep kind of week. Boy, was I wrong! My mom had all sorts of activities planned for us and I loved every minute of it! My mom made a fantastic vegetarian dinner for us on wednesday:

I am going to have to get the recipe from her- its THAT good- i swear.
Then Thursday morning Hubby and I ran the 2011 Thoroughbred Classic 5K at Keeneland race track with my fantasticly awesome friend, Leila.
I haven't ran 3 miles straight in quite a while actually. I have problems with my knees; I think I need new shoes. But, it felt great to run! I'm going to sign us up for more races soon... =)
After a fantastic turkey day of pool lessons from my dad, stuffing myself with thanksgiving goodness (my mom made food for seriously, 12 people, again), a little pre- black Friday shopping at Michael's and a board game of Life, we called it a day!
Friday, I wasn't that impressed with the black friday deals so I decided to sleep in this year. Plus, my sister wasn't here (sad!) =( so it just wasnt the same without her. Hubby and I ventured out around 10 am hoping the crowds had dispersed by then. It wasn't bad- we got a few deals but nothing to write home about.

Later My mom took Hubby and I to see a visiting exhibit at the Lexington Center called Bodies Revealed. It was a ton of real human bodies stripped of their skin and preserved to show the muscles and organs of our bodies!
We weren't allowed to take pictures and you should be thankful for that. It was incredibly interesting though, I am really glad we went.

After the exhibit, we walked downtown to see the anual lighting ot the Christmas tree in triangle park. They just built a little ice skating rink right in the middle of the park, kind of like NYC in rockefeller center. I can't believe how much downtown Lexington has changed! After our birds-eye view of the lighting, we headed to Chuy's- a new Tex-Mex place, which was awesome! And if that wasn't enough for one day, my dad planned a double feature movie extravaganza when we got home which included a giant tub of microwave popcorn. Needless to say, I slept well that night!

Saturday morning, We gave Kane a bath at my favorite local pet store (it was Local Business Saturday)

And then headed with my parents to a local restaurant owned by our old neighbors called Windy Corner. It was AMAZING! They serve all local food and even had some vegetarian options for me! Yay! I highly recommend it!

After lunch, we drove to a local winery to take advantage of a great groupon deal my mom got: Wine tasting of 6 diffiernt wines, a bottle of wine to take home and two free wine glasses. It was SO fun!

Yay for local businesses!

After all that fun, we came home to watch the UK Wildcats beat Portland with two of my bestest friends in the world =)
Sunday, we ate breakfast at Doodles, another local food restaurant and made the should be 6 hour trip home to Atlanta, only this time it took us 8 hours thanks to the rain and traffic.

WHEW! What a great week! But now its back to the grind! Hope everyone had as good of a holiday as we did. Oh, and Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

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