Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kiss me I'm (partially) Irish!

Whew! Finally getting around to our St Patrick's Day Weekend post! We were super excited about St. Patrick's Day this year because we were finally going back to my beloved Savannah for one of the greatest holidays. Savannah is one of the biggest St Patrick's Day celebrations in the nation. This year, it was on a weekend so it was projected to be the biggest celebration the city had ever seen. To boot, it was one of my bestest friend's birthday- whom I hadn't seen in ages and she was coming to celebrate too!!!!! So you can see why I was so excited! We came down with another super fun couple from Atlanta and stayed in a hotel right downtown in a great location!
Our first stop was to Wet Willie's to sample the famous concoction known as the "Call-A-Cab" It was delicious!
Hubby and I decided to share, because that's what obnoxiously cute couples do right?
Darienne and I enjoying the bea-utiful Savannah weather!
Nick makes friends EVERYWHERE.
Later that night we had a birthday dinner for my friend's birthday at one of our favorite restaurants, Cha Bella and then out on the town.
The next morning we had big plans to go to the Rail (one of our favorite bars in Savannah) for their annual free St Patty's day breakfast but after going out the night before and finding out about our hotel's super awesome complimentary hot breakfast bar, we decided to sleep in to get ready for the world renowned parade!
Waiting for the parade to start in front of the beautiful azalea bushes
There's a tradition at the St Patrick's Day Parade to kiss all the Army Cadets with red lipstick on and leave big red smooch marks on their cheeks.
Definitely lots of fun was had. It was an incredibly long parade- 4 hours or so. We left before it ended because we ran out of refreshments. Enough said! After the parade we headed back to the hotel to recharge and refuel before heading out again that night!
Got to hang out with some great friend i miss terribly!
Hubby, donning his best St Patrick's day apparel
Got to hang out with more great (and creepy) friends =) haha jk love ya Paul!
The weekend definitely lived up to our expectations. There were a ton of people there- I am not sure if it was close to a million people like the news projected. We had so much fun, but we missed seeing a lot of other friends in Savannah. I guess that means we'll just have to go back again! Maybe next time I'll get to go to the beach too. Who wants to come with me?!

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