Monday, April 30, 2012

Operation Atlanta Bucket List part 1

This past Christmas, I got Hubby a set of 12 pre-planned, pre-paid dates for us to do- one for each month. It was a fantastic gift that I put a ton of thought into. Most of them were things we had never done before or fun things to do in Atlanta. Well, that all has back fired on me; we now have to cram as many dates as we can in the remaining time we have in Atlanta.  (Fortunately a few of the dates we can also do in Phoenix: I will fill you all in on those as they happen!)

So, I went through the dates and picked out the ones that we had to do in Atlanta or that we really wanted to do in Atlanta. The first one was meant to be November's date: A visit to Fernbank Natural History Museum and then coffee in the museum's cafe afterward! Since I didn't know when exactly in November we would be going, I had to include cash for the tickets and coffee in the envelope:
contents of the November date envelope
We had an amazing time! There was SO much to see there!
 But the best part was by far the dinosaurs.
 The woman at the front desk said it would take us about an hour or so to go through the museum. Boy was she wrong! We stayed until it closed and missed the museum cafe part of our date. =( So, we decided to go and get frozen yogurt instead!
What an awesome date! If you decide to go to Fernbank or any natural history museum for that matter, plan to take a couple hours to go through, not the 1-1 1/2 hours the museum tells you it will take! So much fun and soooo much to see!

More adventures to come!

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