Friday, June 22, 2012

May, in retrospect, part uno

Heyo! I'm here to fill you in on the happenings of MAY. It may have to be in parts, we'll see how long this post gets. I know you all are busy people and don't have time to read long novels about our life- nor do I want to sit here and write you a novel. SO- let me see where we left off... whoops, looks like there is still a little of April left too since the last thing I blogged about was my birthday!

Let's get started. On my Atlanta bucket list, one of the things I wanted to do was hike the Chattahoochee river with Kane. So for part of my birthday celebrations, Hubs and I took the monster down to the river!

It was perfect weather and we all had a blast. We even packed a picnic! I just wish we had done this more often while we were in Atlanta. I am sure there will be times like this in Phoenix too, as soon as it cools off some.

Derby marks the first Saturday in May, every year. I usually host a Derby party a my house but since Hubby was gone, our friends Laura and Matt volunteered to host it. AND since it was also Cinco de Mayo, we had a Cinco de Derby (Derby de Mayo?) party! Actually, we had such a good time at the party, I didn't remember to take many pictures!! oops. But luckily, I did snap a few before I had any margaritas!

half Cinco de Mayo, half Derby!
My hand painted Derby plate is adorable, but looks even better with my made from scratch horse cookies on it!
Laura was in charge of Cinco de Mayo decorations. Didn't she do an awesome job!? LOVE!
We had an awesome time, a bunch of people came over and we informally bet on the ponies by drawing horse names out of a bucket. The son of our small group leaders won it all! I think he thought he was rich! The pot was worth almost $40!! Hopefully we'll be able to make some cool friends in Phoenix that we can invite to next years party. Otherwise, all of our friends in Atlanta are going to have to fly to Phoenix for the first Saturday in May 2013 ;)

The next significant even in May was Hubby's 30th birthday!! I made him a special little carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and may have gone a little overboard with the presents. What can I say? I really love to see people open gifts!!!

Kane likes to help open presents too. He is eagerly awaiting present opening time in this picture. You should have seen him when we were unpacking from the move. He was ripping paper off everything!
Even Kane got to have some ice cream! Frosty Paws!! Nose lickin' good!
Overall it was a success! The night prior to his actual birthday, we went out with a bunch of our friends to a great little Indian restaurant on Buford Highway. If you know Buford Highway, you KNOW it was good! But, like my milestone birthday, it was slightly overshadowed by the impending move and the fact Hubby was already in Phoenix =(

MAN! May was an eventful month! Lots of pictures and events to share! I think I'm going to break here and leave you in anticipation for part dos! heh heh heh

On a side note, there are NO squirrels in Phoenix. I'm talking zero, zippo not-a-one that I've seen in the 3 weeks that we've been here. Kane has noticed too. His new favorite animal to hate is the pigeon. They come and sit on the telephone wires behind out house and he goes nuts. Barks and barks at them. But they never fly away so eventually he gets bored (or hot) and gives up. ...until he notices them again and the whole scene starts all over again. sigh.

That's all I got! Over and out until next time =)


Friday, June 15, 2012

Hot doesn't even begin to describe it...

So normally I would continue back to where I left off, and fill you in on all the stuff that happened before we left for Arizona i.e. Derby party, Hubby’s Birthday, Our first anniversary, our CRUISE! But, I thought I would first update you on how life is shaping up in good ol' scorching hot Phoenix.

First off, we moved here at the wrong time of year. The three months of summer are the most tortuous time of the year.
I can only stand to be outside if it is before 10 am and my feet are in the pool at all times. Once the cooler morning hours slip away (and by cooler I mean 80-90 degrees) be prepared to move indoors because staying outside (even with your feet in the pool) becomes too unbearable.

Even going out to the mailbox is an ordeal! About half way there the scene suddenly changes to this:

Don’t get me started on the dry air! I can’t drink enough water during the day. I definitely drink more than my 8- 8 oz glasses of water each day and still wake up the next morning with dry mouth and ashy skin.

Having a pool has been awesome. I’m sure we will enjoy it even more when the weather cools down a little. Kane loves the pool too! He ALWAYS wants to get in. He’s learning when it is an appropriate time to get in and when it isn’t- like 10 min before we are going to bed, not a good idea.

But, Kane hasn’t been able to get into the pool at all this past week. Last Friday evening, while on a run with Hubby, he was attacked by another dog. =( Luckily, he came away with only a couple puncture wounds.
Unfortunately, one of the puncture wounds was pretty deep and we thought it best to take him to the 24 hour vet to make sure it didn’t get infected. We waited for-ever to be seen by a vet and it was close to 1 am before we were able to take him home. They had to shave the areas around the wounds and put two staples in each.
We are taking him to get the staples out on Monday. The owner of the dog that attacked Kane is willing to pay for the bill which is good.

Our stuff did come last Thursday night as promised and we have successfully unpacked 90% of it! Once we get everything somewhat where we want it, I’ll post some pictures =) Until then, since we have internet as of this weekend (!!!), I’ll be sure to post about, well, ALL of May! Keep checking back!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Officially Arizonians!

We interrupt this program to bring you a (bit lengthy) update on our crazy lives!

(First let me apologize for being so delayed in my blog postings. I haven’t had internet in 3 weeks, even now I am writing you this from a Dunkin Donuts’s with free wifi!)

Well, we made it! I am officially a fine citizen of Phoenix, Arizona. The movers came and packed up all our stuff early last week. Then Hubby and I did a four day, 1,900+ mile trek across the United States to the sunny state of Arizona.

Our stuff hasn’t made it to our Phoenix house yet and won’t be here until later today. So, Hubby and I have been “urban camping” with our air mattress in an empty house! I managed to convince Hubby to pack a few camping essentials such as a beach lounger and beach towel (for our pool!), a fold up camping chair, bath towels, frying pan, spatula, paper plates, and plasticware. The back of the car was PACKED- barely enough room for the dog!

The drive wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. We passed the time with a couple books on tape and while the scenery had some boring places, there was still quite a bit to see. The first day was pretty typical- a lot of green trees, which I told Hubby to make sure he engrained in his memory because it wasn’t going to be like this in the desert! We crossed over the Mississippi River and through many corn fields until we stopped in Shreveport, Louisiana for the night. One of the biggest challenges was trying to find a hotel that would allow dogs. Luckily, I found a website called that listed all the dog friendly hotels by state and then by city. Watching Kane in a hotel room was hilarious. He made sure he checked every inch of the room, including the bathtub.

The next day we drove to Dallas to see my older sister and my niece and nephew. We had a blast! She has a really nice house in the burbs with a super cute puppy. I loved catching up and finally seeing the house! The last time I saw them was at our wedding a year ago.

After Dallas, we headed towards Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is where the scenery starts to get different as we trek it through the Midwest!

Keep in mind most of these were taken through the window of a speeding car. There was a lot to see that I didn’t take pictures of too. The world’s largest map of Route 44… The world’s largest petrified tree… Indian casinos abound… the list goes on and on!

Our last stop was Gallup, New Mexico right in the heart of Navajo country. We stayed at this terrible little dog friendly hotel. I don’t recommend it to anyone. Let’s just leave it at that.

The next day we FINALLY we made it to Phoenix! Its amazing how exhausted a car ride can make you! We made it to Target to get some essentials and then crashed and burned on the air mattress!

Since then I’ve been hangin in the empty house with no car, waiting patiently for my husband to come home with dinner. Sounds like the 50s doesn’t it? All should change today though when our stuff is delivered this evening! They decided to come in the evening thinking it would be cooler then. Little do they know- it is usually 100 degrees at 5 pm Arizona time. Well, regardless I’m pumped to have furniture soon! Stay tuned!